Going to a party with friends and all the clothes are about to be washed. There is no washing machine at your house and the laundry is far away, it will take time to come and go. And along with that, you don’t even know how to hand wash your clothes. So why are you worried I am here to help you. I will tell you how can you wash clothes by hand.
Hand washing is useful for our clothes, which are very delicate and sensitive. For example, if our silk clothes have pearls and stones on them, if we wash them in the washing machine, the washing machine not only damages the fibers of our clothes but also damages the decorative items on top. Washing clothes by hand also preserves the quality of our clothes and increases their lifespan.
Washing clothes by hand is indeed a difficult task for us, and if you are a student, mother, and job holder then it becomes a more tedious task for us. Because doing housework along with the job, finding time for family, and then, finding time for our hobbies, washing clothes by hand becomes very difficult for us. However, the benefits of hand washing are many. We also need to know the correct washing method to wash clothes by hand. So learn with me how to hand wash your clothes step by step.
Some people do not know the proper method to wash your laundry or how to wash clothes step by step. So let’s review all the tricks that are beneficial for us when it comes to washing our clothes by hand.
Things You Need To Wash Your Laundry By Hand
- Sink/water tub
- Gloves
- Laundry detergents
- Soft brush
- Stain removal
- Hanger
How To Hand Wash Your Clothes?
Some of us do not know how to hand wash your clothes. Washing clothes by hand doesn’t involve too much rocket science. However, it is a difficult job because it requires more physical effort. Here I will tell you some simple methods that I use while washing clothes by hand. Of course, with the methods adopted by me, you can easily complete your hard work.

Separate Your Colored And Loaded Fabric
As you know, if colored clothes are washed with white or light-colored clothes, the color of a colored cloth can get damaged and spoil your white garments. Therefore, before washing your fabrics, you should always sort your colored and white clothes separately so that you can avoid damaging your clothes with misinformation.
Read The Care Instruction Label Of The Garment
Each garment has a different method of washing. Some of our garments require dry cleaning services. And for some fabrics, no detergents or chemicals are suitable. Therefore, before washing any of our clothes, we must read the instructions label. The care instructions label helps us a lot while washing our clothes.
Pre Soak Your dirty Laundry In The Clean Water
When washing clothes by hand, soaking the clothes in clean water for a while is my tried and true method. Immersing the clothes in water first cleans the dirt to a great extent, which makes it easier for us to wash with detergent later. Similarly, if the soil is cleaned first, less detergent is used because some of the soil has already been cleaned.
Apply A Suitable Quantity Of Detergent To Wash Your Clothes

When your clothes have been cleaned before being dipped in clean water, it is best to use less detergent afterward. Moreover, if we use too much detergent, it can also be responsible for damaging the fibers of our clothes. So, detergent should be used only in the amount that is suitable for our clothes.
Use Stain Removal To Clean Stained Area
The biggest advantage of washing your clothes by hand is that it removes stains from the clothes. If there is a stain on your clothes, put some stain remover on it and rub it with your hands or with a soft brush.
Hang In The Ventilated Place To Dry Your Garments
There is no need to worry if you don’t have a dryer machine available. You put your clothes on a hanger and hang it in a ventilated place. Do not dry your clothes in direct sunlight as the sunlight is so strong that it will not only extend the life of our clothes but also fade the color of our fabrics.
Cons Of Hand Wash Clothes
Although hand washing is better for your clothes, it has many challenges for us. Let us analyze the cons of washing your clothes on your hands.
- Prolonged task
- Physical labor
- Inconsistent results
- Limited capacity
Hire Fastcleanlaundry To Wash Your Laundry Gently

I understand that hand washing is better for your clothes, but as well it is also a tedious task for you. If you are a job-holder, student, or mother then it is very difficult for you to take time to hand wash your clothes. So hire any laundry service to wash your laundry. So, if you are looking for a laundry pickup service in Kennington (UK), hire Fastcleanlaundry as your laundry wash and fold services partner. Fastcleanlaundry washes your handy clothes with too much care and offers a same-day laundry delivery service.
Fastcleanlaundry offers you all the services about your laundry washing and ironing services. Accept this, fastcleanlaundry provides free laundry pickup service with dry cleaning, folding, packaging, and repairing alteration services. All their services are according to your budget limit, but also you can contact (+447340834819) to understand the pricing plan of Fastcleanlaundry.
How can you wash your clothes by hand easily?
You can wash your clothes by hand with some easy steps.
- Read garments label
- Separate colored clothes
- Use good quality detergent
- Remove stain from your stained fabric
- Dry your clothes at a shaded place
Why do you wash your clothes by hand?
Washing your clothes by hand expands the life span of your clothes. And sometimes we get tough stains on our clothes that can be removed manually.
Which garments we cannot wash by hand?
Some of our fabrics, such as leather, suede, fur, and fine fabrics, are unsuitable for hand washing. Also, heavy clothes such as curtains, blankets, bed sheets, etc. It is difficult to wash them on hand.
Finally, you understand now better how to hand wash your clothes. As above I mentioned hand-washing techniques for your convenience. Also, here I will again summarize for your memory. Sort out your outfits as colored or light-colored fabric and then dip them into the clean water for just 5 minutes before cleaning. Then apply a suitable amount of detergent on your garments according to the nature of your outfits.
And after proper washing of your loving garments dry them in the ventilated and shaded place. These hand-washing techniques are very simple but they take too much of your precious time. So you should hire a laundry pickup service for your untidy fabrics. Laundry washing services wash our handy wash clothes with too much care.
If you facing a laundry washing issue in Kennington, (UK), then you can hire also fastcleanlaundry for washing and ironing services. Fastcleanlaundry deals with all problems with your laundry like washing, dry cleaning, ironing, folding, packaging, and repair alterations. Dial this number (+447340834819) to get information about the pricing plan of Fastcleanlaundry.
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